Anonymous dementiert Operation Facebook | Denkmaschinen - Offenbar scheint die Operation Facebook von Anonymous nicht offiziell gewünscht zu sein. Eine Twitter-Statusmeldung von Anonymous dementiert nun die Aktion: Übersetzung: “An die Presse: hört auf zu...

Les Anonymous lancent l´Opération Syrie - Les Anonymous lancent l´Opération SyrieDerniers contenus12-09-2011 à 00:51 - 0 commentaire(s) OpSyria, une nouvelle opération lancée par les Anonymous pour sauver les Syriens.12-09-2011 à 00:47...

#opcannabis Operation Cannabis – Anonymous - by admin on Monday, September 12th, 2011 | 25 Comments BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: subscribe! subscribe! subscribe! LOGO: ...

Operation Syria - Anonymous/RevoluSec - - By: a guest | Sep 10th, 2011 | Syntax: None | Size: 4.28 KB | Views: 70 | Expires: Never ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ...

Anonymous – Operation Fullerton #OpFullerton - Monday, September 12th 2011. Posted in Video by Admin Greetings Citizens of Fullerton, California – We Are Anonymous Like the rest of the world, we have heard the screams of Kelly Thomas. We heard ...

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Be prepared to be surprised
The world is made up of four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. This is a fact well known even to Authorities. It's also wrong. There's a fifth element, and generally it's called Surprise.
The Operation Oracle is out! ▸ Top stories today via @pandasecurityfr@awesome_hubris @pedroluna__ @francesvin6 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
'Only 50 years left' for sea fish - cuntymint: minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
Soy Dulce de Leche: zuky: Study: White Students More Likely to Win College... - zuky: minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
Anonymous – Operation Fullerton #OpFullerton - Monday, September 12th 2011. Posted in Video by Admin Greetings Citizens of Fullerton, California – We Are Anonymous Like the rest of the world, we have heard the screams of Kelly Thomas. We heard ...

ACLU Creates Resource Page for Photographing and Recording Video of Police Actions - If you’ve been wanting to record the actions of police in your area but have been nervous about being prosecuted under archaic wiretapping and spying laws, check out the ACLU’s new resource page on...

Another BART protest scheduled for tonight’s evening commute | Will Reisman | Bay Area - Making the return from the weekend all the more wonderful for Bay Area workers, BART’s regularly scheduled protests will resume today during this evening’s commute.Anonymous, a loose collective of ...

Scanner Radio - Android Market - Listen to police and fire departments from around the world on your phone.Listen to live audio from over 2,900 police and fire scanners, weather radios, and amateur radio repeaters from around the ...

Comodohacker claims he can issue fake Windows updates | News - Security - Following his recent attack against Dutch security company DigiNotar, the hacker known as Comodohacker is now threatening to exploit Microsoft's Windows Update service.In another message posted on ...

Anonymous pirate un réseau social pour nazis - Actualités Techno - Le groupe de pirates Anonymous a piraté la base de données d'un site nazi.Anonymous s'est introduit dans les serveurs du site AryansBook, un site similaire à Facebook, sauf qu'il est destiné aux na...

Occupy Wall Street will lay siege to U.S. greed - Paul B. Farrell - By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) – The start of WWIV? Too strong? Maybe just the “Second American Revolution?” Too dramatic? Either way, this is a new D-Day, th...

Surprise! Soros’ Fingerprints All Over September 17 OccupyWallStreet ‘Demands’ « Romanticpoet's Weblog - September 12, 2011 By Brenda J. ElliottThe tipoff for George Soros’ involvement with the September 17 anti-banker OccupyWallStreet direct action comes by way of Alice Khatib, an “Expat activist, lo...

Medical News: Obama Proposes Large Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid - WASHINGTON -- President Obama laid out a budget proposal Wednesday that included cuts of nearly $500 billion to the Medicare and Medicaid programs over the next 12 years, along with a stronger role...


US Day of Rage - Los Angeles Sept 17 #usdorLosA #usdor #sept17 #occupywallstreet - Sept 17 at 2:00 PM we plan to gather at Olvera St. aka "La Placita Olvera" to many Angelenos. Plan for a day long gathering unless large numbers show up, in which case we plan to camp as long as po...

Anonymous Hackers Release Twitter Attack Tool - The Universal Rapid Gamma Emitter is designed to hijack topics that are trending on Twitter. Anonymous recently released a tool designed to enable users to hijack topics that are trending on Twitte...

question of the day: What movie are you most looking forward to in Autumn 2011? - Okay, this is it. Summer is over. Back to school. Back to work. Put on a sweater and get serious.What movie are you most looking forward to in Autumn 2011?Here are a few that you may be anticipatin...


Tahrir on Wall Street < Killing the Buddha - Saturday evenings, on the south side of Tompkins Square Park in New York City, there has been a meeting happening. About a hundred people are clumped in an ovular mass around a banner, spray-painte...

US Day of Rage - Seattle Protest #Sept17 11am #occupywallstreet #usdor - Questions? Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow @usdayofrageSEA. 11am Bank of America building in downtown Seattle at ...

Membership Benefits | Mensa International - There are many intelligent reasons to join Mensa. Whether you actively attend Mensa meetings or simply relish the intellectual stimulation that membership promotes, you'll find the benefits of Men...

Bank Of America To Cut 30,000 Jobs As Part Of Restructuring Plan - NEW YORK — Bank of America will cut about 30,000 jobs over the next few years in a bid to save $5 billion per year. The cost-cutting drive is part of a broader effort to reshape and shrink the nati...

El juez declara abusivas 22 cláusulas de BBVA y Banco Popular. - Foto: EUROPA PRESS MADRID, 12 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - El Juzgado de lo Mercantil número 9 de Madrid ha declarado nulas por abusivas 22 cláusulas incluidas por BBVA (12) y Banco Popular (10) en sus...

El hambre cotiza en Bolsa · ELPAÍ - La sala en la que se reparte la comida del mundo parece cualquier cosa menos apetitosa. En la Bolsa de Chicago hay trozos de papel y vasos de cartón por todas partes, hombres sudorosos con chaqueta...

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#OpFacebook - #OpFacebook

Letters: Kettling can make protests boil over | UK news - I am concerned by the comments of Hugh Orde defending the practice of "hyper-kettling" and suggesting that the policing of future demonstrations could become "more extreme" (Orde warns of 'more ext...

The Trojan Horse is Ushered In: Round Seventeen - Written by: Citizen Doe on April 26, 2011.Do you detect a bit of arrogance in the quotation by David Rockefeller in Round Sixteen? Why would he even dignify such claims? My research has led me to c...

Occupy Wall Street will lay siege to U.S. greed - Paul B. Farrell - By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) – The start of WWIV? Too strong? Maybe just the “Second American Revolution?” Too dramatic? Either way, this is a new D-Day, th...

Tahrir on Wall Street < Killing the Buddha - Saturday evenings, on the south side of Tompkins Square Park in New York City, there has been a meeting happening. About a hundred people are clumped in an ovular mass around a banner, spray-painte...

US Day of Rage - Austin, Texas Concert and Peaceful Protest #Sept17 Waterloo Park #usdor #occupywallstreet - HAD ENOUGH YET? One Citizen, One Dollar, One Vote AUSTIN CONCERT AND PEACEFUL RALLY @WATERLOO PARK 3:00 to 6:00 PM SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 PLEASE VISIT and follow @USDayofRage on Twitter...

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