aix en provence

aix en provence


blog destiné à mes amis ,concerne : la Provence,l'Occitan,la Corse, la langue d'Oc, etc !!!

vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Flathead Valley | CPAWS-BC

Flathead Valley | CPAWS-BC

Flathead Valley

Queyras : randonnée et découverte du Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras dans les Hautes-Alpes

Queyras : randonnée et découverte du Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras dans les Hautes-Alpes

Concert anniversaire de Tôt ou Tard au Cabaret Sauvage - ARTE Live Web

Concert anniversaire de Tôt ou Tard au Cabaret Sauvage - ARTE Live Web

AMESSI® - Les médicaments génériques sont-ils aussi efficaces que les médicaments de marque ?

AMESSI® - Les médicaments génériques sont-ils aussi efficaces que les médicaments de marque ?

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos // Current TV

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos // Current TV

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group’s Lawful Rebellion protest, during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Peake was ruling on a case involving Roger Hayes, former member of UKIP, who has refused to pay council tax, both as a protest against the government’s treasonous activities in sacrificing Britain to globalist interests and as a result of Hayes clearly proving that council tax is illegal.

Hayes has embarked on an effort to legally prove that the enforced collection of council tax by government is unlawful because no contract has been agreed between the individual and the state. His argument is based on the sound legal principle that just like the council, Hayes can represent himself as a third party in court and that “Roger Hayes” is a corporation and must be treated as one in the eyes of the law.

The British government doesn’t want this kind of information going viral in the public domain because it is scared stiff of a repeat of the infamous poll tax riots of 1990, a massive tax revolt in the UK that forced the Thatcher government to scrap the poll tax altogether because of mass civil disobedience and refusal to pay.

When viewers in the UK attempt to watch videos of the protest, they are met with the message, “This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request.”

We then click through to learn that, “YouTube occasionally receives requests from governments around the world to remove content from our site, and as a result, YouTube may block specific content in order to comply with local laws in certain countries.”

You can also search by country to discover that Google, the owner of You Tube, has complied with the majority of requests from governments, particularly in the United States and the UK, not only to remove You Tube videos, but also specific web search terms and thousands of “data requests,” meaning demands for information that would reveal the true identity of a You Tube user. Google claims that the information sent to governments is “needed for legitimate criminal investigations,” but whether these “data requests” have been backed up by warrants is not divulged by the company.

“Between July 1 and Dec. 31 (2009), Google received 3,580 requests for user data from U.S. government agencies........

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Occupy Wall Street: Anonymous issues call to action - National Anonymous |

Occupy Wall Street: Anonymous issues call to action - National Anonymous |

Occupy Wall Street: Anonymous issues call to action

Operation Occupy Wall Street continues to grow with the help and support of the nebulous, notorious, international Internet hacktivist collective known as Anonymous.

Operation Occupy Wall Streetis an ongoing, nonviolent demonstration opposing corporate influence over U.S. politics.
Thursday, representatives of Anonymous issued a call to action - the following is an excerpt from “Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Call to Action” distributed by TheAnonPress:
Greetings, people of the world. We are Anonymous.

As many of you are aware, over the past several days, significant demonstrations have been held in protest of the corrupt financial system that favors the richest 1% of our nation; while the remaining 99% have to deal with things such as abuse of our civil rights, overseas outsourcing of our jobs, and living off minimum wage while gas hovers around $3.50 a gallon. The minimal attention given to these demonstrations has caused growing concern, with rumors of media blackouts and repealed news coverage becoming increasingly harder to deny.

We would like to thank those in our national media that chose to cover the truth about the events of the wall street occupation. Your contribution to society will not go unrecognized.

Unfortunately, this coverage has not been sufficient, we must now take efforts to spread the truth into our own hands. It is now up to us, the people of this great nation, to act for ourselves. We must share the truth through our social networks, by texting, instant/private messaging, posting, and blogging to our friends and relatives. We must take to the streets and speak of the truth in our coffee shops and mall outlets. Our voices will be heard.

Inspired by the Arab Spring, the aim of Occupy Wall Street was to begin a sustained occupation of Wall Street and the financial district of New York City. Originally organized by Adbusters, a Canadian anti-consumerist magazine, the action was subsequently endorsed and promoted by Anonymous. The Operation began on Saturday, September 17.

More from “Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Call to Action”:

To those currently occupying, stay strong, always know that you have our support. We will not allow tyrannical police to oppress and bully you. Stay peaceful, stay vigilant, and know that you are making our nation proud.

To the police who wish to remain tyrannical, we will continue to show our support for the peaceful protesters. You will be exposed for the inhumane offences you commit, and everyone will know just who you are and what you have done. Your information will be posted everywhere and mirrored everywhere.

If you strip the freedom away from our peaceful protestors, then we shall strip your privacy away from you.

To the people of the world:

You are Anonymous.
You are Legion.
You are the media.
You are the voice of truth.
You can not forgive.
You can not forget.
They should expect us.

Operation Occupy Wall Street began on Saturday, September 17.


Continue reading on Occupy Wall Street: Anonymous issues call to action - National Anonymous |

A Calvi reprise des stages de théâtre avec Orlando Forioso

La Poudrière   BP 37 - 20 260 CALVI
Tél : 04 95 65 23 57   Fax : 04 95 65 41 54
A Calvi
reprise des stages de théâtre 
avec Orlando Forioso
Les samedi 8 octobre et dimanche 9 octobre 2011,
à la Poudrière, dans la citadelle de Calvi, aura lieu une rencontre avec les participants, afin de définir les contenus et le calendrier des stages, pour les mois à venir.
- Stage de 16 heures à 18 heures.
Tous ceux, jeunes ou moins jeunes, qui veulent  éprouver le plaisir de connaître et d'entreprendre une formation théâtrale.
Les ateliers de théâtre cumulent sérieux et bonne humeur, rigueur et simplicité. La bonne humeur est même une qualité indispensable !
Ils sont ouverts à tous, jeunes et vieux, hommes et femmes, corsophones ou non.
Cependant, sachez que si vous êtes corsophone, votre participation est vivement souhaitée : tous les jours des gens s'expriment en corse, au café, à la chasse, au marché. Et sur scène alors ?
Pour que cette langue et cette culture vivent, il faut aussi qu'elles s'expriment dans la création artistique.
U Svegliu Calvese réactive les ateliers de théâtre non pas comme une "animation" destinée à combler la vacuité de "l'autre saison" de Calvi, mais comme une activité qui demande énergie et engagement: la culture en général, et le théâtre en particulier, y sont proposés comme facteur de développement, vecteur de lien social, et élément fédérateur d'une communauté par trop dispersée. Ils s'inscrivent dans une démarche de solidarité et d'ouverture sur les autres. 
Renseignements et inscriptions : U Svegliu Calvese 0495652357.