Flathead Valley

(Photo: Matthias Breiter, iLCP)
Your help is urgent. An international deal is in the works. We must make sure this new deal includes a national park in the southeast third of the Flathead Valley and a wildlife corridor that connects to Banff.
Please print out the following petition and get everyone you know to sign it!
Friends, family, neighbours, co-workers - everyone can help to protect the Flathead Valley.
Once you've obtained the signatures, please mail the original petition pages to:
CPAWS-BC, #410, 698 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 3K6
Your help is greatly appreciated - the more signatures we get, the better chance we have to protect this incredible internationally-recognized area!
Download the PDF: Petition to Establish a Flathead Valley National Park Reserve Wilderness Area
Please send e-mails.
Contact: Peter Kent, Canada's Minister of the Environment
Contact: Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia