aix en provence

aix en provence


blog destiné à mes amis ,concerne : la Provence,l'Occitan,la Corse, la langue d'Oc, etc !!!

samedi 9 avril 2011

Arrr!! Pirate Hard Drive Offers Infinite Capacity | TorrentFreak

Arrr!! Pirate Hard Drive Offers Infinite Capacity | TorrentFreak

The drive itself reported its full capacity and initially seemed to behave correctly when files were transferred to it. The owner had apparently copied a 1.5GB movie to the drive, but somehow only the last few minutes of the movie were being stored.

Time to open up the case and have a little look inside.


What you’re looking at there is a couple of large metal nuts (presumably for some authentic ‘weighting’) which are together caressing a 128Mb flash drive.

But here’s the clever bit. The drive cleverly sucks data in from the host computer until it’s full and then starts dumping data until all it’s left with is the last part of the file. All other files on the drive stay intact and the file size of the now incomplete file is reported correctly.

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