aix en provence

aix en provence


blog destiné à mes amis ,concerne : la Provence,l'Occitan,la Corse, la langue d'Oc, etc !!!

dimanche 31 juillet 2011

Amy Winehouse - Take The Box

Provence Crèches

Provence Crèches

Facebook Pushing To Require Everyone's Online Activity Be Tracked By The Government

Facebook Pushing To Require Everyone's Online Activity Be Tracked By The Government
Facebook Now Helping Governments Spy On And Arrest Peaceful Activists

News reports confirm that governments are now being aided by Facebook to spy on activists who plan peaceful protests. One report reveals that over 300 activists were tracked, detained and in some case deported after organizing events on the popular social networking site.


Also recall not to long ago Julian Assange, of Wikileaks fame, reported that Facebook is being used as spy machine for the US Government.

'Scores dead' as Syrian tanks storm Hama

BBC News - LulzSec: Shetland teen charged over computer hacking claims

BBC News - LulzSec: Shetland teen charged over computer hacking claims

31 July 2011 Last updated at 19:11 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
LulzSec: Shetland teen charged over computer hacking claims

Police are investigating hacking attacks on the Serious and Organised Crime Agency's website.
A man from the Shetland Islands has been charged with computer offences by police investigating hacking attacks.

Jake Davis, 18, was charged with unauthorised computer access and conspiracy to carry out a distributed denial of service attack on the Serious and Organised Crime Agency's website.

He faces five charges and is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday, police said.

Police are investigating hacking groups known as Anonymous and LulzSec.

Officers from the police's Central e-Crime Unit arrested the teenager in what they describe as a "pre-planned intelligence-led operation" on Wednesday.

The UK Serious Organised Crime agency took its website offline for several hours on 20 June after it appeared to be a victim of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. LulzSec claimed responsibility for the attack.

DDoS is where large numbers of computers, under malicious control, overload their target with web requests.

Ryan Cleary, 19, of Wickford, Essex, was charged last month with five offences under the Criminal Law and Computer Misuse Acts, including an alleged hacking attack against Soca's website.

LulzSec has previously also claimed responsibility for attempted hacks made on the US Senate, the CIA and the Sun newspaper.

A 16-year-old boy from south London was arrested and bailed last week, while the international investigation has also led to sixteen arrests in the United States and four in the Netherlands.

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Daily Kos: Cyber War Report: New Front Opens Against Internet Coup d'état

Daily Kos: Cyber War Report: New Front Opens Against Internet Coup d'état
The Internet may already be starting to break apart. IT World writes two days ago:

Regardless of the supposed criminal intent of the affected systems, the seizure without notice of these domain names by US authorities sent shock-waves around the Internet world. It got people's attention in a much stronger way than version 1 of this enforcement operation had — the first iteration late last June seized the names of nine sites selling pirated first-run movies. Many people woke up to the reality of how vulnerable the DNS is to government meddling.

(More recently, the uproar caused by the WikiLeaks publication of US diplomatic cables — and subsequent attempts to censor the site and/or to hound it off the Internet — have resulted in what developer Dave Winer calls "a human DNS" implemented "in a weird sneaker-net sort of way," via Twitter and ad hoc bulletin-board sites.)

Within days of the ICE/DHS seizures, at least three separate initiatives to work around the DNS had been announced, and several existing alternatives were highlighted in the ensuing discussion.

The article then goes on to discuss the details of the various new substitutes for the single unified international, but U.S. based, domain name system that has served the Internet for 25 years.

Back in August, after Google & Verizon announced a joint legislative proposal on network neutrality, certain people predicted disaster for the Internet. One cause, Net Neutrality, was substituted for the many aspects of Internet freedom and one phrase seemed to be on everyone's lips:

Amy Goodman's Democracy Now "could spell the end of the Internet as we know it."
Craig Aaron at Huffington Post, "pact to end the Internet as we know it"
Countdown with Keith Olbermann "an end to the Internet as we know it"

In August I poopooed the so-called threat posed by the Google/Verizon initiative, roundly criticized all of the above for begging the U.S. government to step in and protect our rights on the Internet, and after attempting to explain the central importance of the DNS and the international organizations that run it, gave my view on what would end the Internet as we know it. "As it stands now, no government in the world can enforce a domain name decision because they don't run the domain name system that translates domain names like the into IP addresses, and any attempt by a national government to seize control of the domain root server system would end the Internet as we know it."

In a September diary, Obama's Internet Coup d'état, I wrote:

This is a most important "technical" detail because ultimately for the U.S. government to be successful in enforcing these controls on the Internet it must either wrestle control of the root domain name servers [DNS] from the international ngo's that have been running them, ICANN and InterNIC, or corrupt those organizations to it's will. That is why I think it fair to call this a coup d'état and nothing less than an attempt by the U.S. government to takeover the Internet.

The now famous letter written by 87 of the engineers that have brought us the Internet warned of the same thing in September. Commenting on what they saw as the inevitable blow back from the Senate Internet Blacklist Bill, they said:

These problems will be enough to ensure that alternative name-lookup infrastructures will come into widespread use, outside the control of US service providers but easily used by American citizens. Errors and divergences will appear between these new services and the current global DNS, and contradictory addresses will confuse browsers and frustrate the people using them. These problems will be widespread and will affect sites other than those blacklisted by the American government.

Now this is exactly what is happening!

The cliché is coming true and we just may be witnessing the end of the single unified Internet we have known. Obama just may give Bush his Internets! Soon we may be saying: The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internets!

I also wrote in that diary:

Speaking as one of the peons, let me say we have labored, in some cases more than a quarter century, to build the Internet as a tool for human liberation, and to do this we have build organizations that I believe represent the absolute best in international cooperation and a body of excellent software, freely available to all, that has made the dream of instant, multimedia, global, lowcost and secure communications a reality. We will not go quietly into that goodbye!

Let the Cyber War Be Joined!
Viva WikiLeaks!
Viva Anonymous!
Viva Operation Payback!

Here is a recap of my other DKos dairies on this subject:
Operation PayBack: 1st Cyber War Begins over WikiLeaks
The Internet Takeover: Why Google is Next
BREAKING: Goodbye Internet Freedom as Wikileaks is Taken Down
BREAKING NEWS: Obama Admin Takes Control of Internet Domains!
Things Even Keith Olbermann Won't Cover - UPDATE: VICTORY!!!
Stop Internet Blacklist Bill Now!
Sweet Victory on Internet Censorship: Senate Backs Off!
Internet Engineers tell the Senate to Back Off!
Why is Net Neutrality advocate Free Press MIA?
Obama's Internet Coup d'état
Julian Assange on Threat to Internet Freedom
FCC Net Neutrality's Trojan Horse
Free Press: Country Codes for the Internet?
The Mountain comes to Mohammad
Keith Olbermann's Deception
Court rules -> Google Must Be Evil & Maximize Profits
EFF on the Google\Verizon Net Neutrality Proposal
Google-Verizon: What is the Free Press Agenda?
End of the Internet As We Know It!
Free Press would make this Illegal!
Google Verizon Announce Terms of Deal

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Index of /img/weird
Parent Directory

Courthézon : le glaive et le goupillon pour le Père Jolet | La Provence

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samedi 30 juillet 2011

L'empathie, de gré ou de force, pour sauver le monde | Inventer le Futur

L'empathie, de gré ou de force, pour sauver le monde | Inventer le Futur
Rappelons-nous ces paroles de Martin Niemöller (14 janvier 1892 – 6 mars 1984)

Quand ils sont venus chercher les communistes,
Je n’ai rien dit,
Je n’étais pas communiste.

Quand ils sont venus chercher les syndicalistes,
Je n’ai rien dit,
Je n’étais pas syndicaliste.

Quand ils sont venus chercher les Juifs,
Je n’ai pas protesté,
Je n’étais pas Juif.

Quand ils sont venus chercher les catholiques,
Je n’ai pas protesté,
Je n’étais pas catholique.

Puis ils sont venus me chercher,
Et il ne restait personne pour protester

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Expo photo autour de la Beat Generation (Aix)

77 Law Enforcement websites hit in mass attack by #Antisec Anonymous ~ THN : The Hacker News

77 Law Enforcement websites hit in mass attack by #Antisec Anonymous ~ THN : The Hacker News

Postcards For Libya

Postcards For Libya
Postcards can make a difference!
Along with supplies, the refugees from Libya need to know they are important, not alone and the whole world cares about them.

Your postcard will bring a much needed smile to Libyan children and hospital patients in Tunisia. They are all victims of the war in Libya.

Love heals all wounds.

Thank you!

Bonjour !

Comment une carte postale peut faire une différence ?
Les réfugiés en provenance de la Libye ont, autant que des articles de nécessité, besoin de savoir qu'ils ne sont pas seuls, que le monde se soucie d'eux et que pour nous, ils sont importants.

Une simple carte postale a le pouvoir de donner espoir et sourire aux enfants et aux patients hospitalisés en Tunisie. Ils sont tous victimes de la guerre en Libye.

L'amour guérit toutes les blessures.

Merci a tous !

Your Anon News • From Anonymous To Dayton Ohio

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L’histoire d’Internet en moins de 4 minutes - MinuteBuzz

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The War You Don’t See | Watch Free Documentary Online

The War You Don’t See | Watch Free Documentary Online
A powerful and timely investigation into the media’s role in war, tracing the history of embedded and independent reporting from the carnage of World War One to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan and disaster in Iraq.
As weapons and propaganda become even more sophisticated, the nature of war is developing into an electronic battlefield in which journalists play a key role, and civilians are the victims. But who is the real enemy?
John Pilger says in the film: “We journalists… have to be brave enough to defy those who seek our collusion in selling their latest bloody adventure in someone else’s country… That means always challenging the official story, however patriotic that story may appear, however seductive and insidious it is.
For propaganda relies on us in the media to aim its deceptions not at a far away country but at you at home… In this age of endless imperial war, the lives of countless men, women and children depend on the truth or their blood is on us… Those whose job it is to keep the record straight ought to be the voice of people, not power.”
Watch the full documentary now

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Rodez / Estivada : Lou Dalfin enfin ! - occitan

Rodez / Estivada : Lou Dalfin enfin ! - occitan
Rodez / Estivada : Lou Dalfin enfin !
En direct de l’Estivada 2011 à Rodez le 30 juillet 2011
Lou Dalfin enfin !
Ce fut une bien belle journée pour les militants du P.N.O présents au stand de l’Estivada. Un apéritif festif chanté par les Pagalhós a attiré beaucoup de monde. Il faudra prévoir plus large pour les vins du pays car ils ont été vite épuisés. Les boissons, c’est bien connu, attirent plus que les écrits politiques mais facilitent les échanges.

Et puis nous avons eu la visite de Sergio Berardo, l’ami de Fontan et du P.N.O. Quelle chaleur dans nos retrouvailles ! Il nous a acheté deux cartes d’identité occitane, une pour lui, une pour son fils âgé de trois ans. Nous attendions tous le concert du Dalfin et Sergio nous avait demandé de venir devant la scène avec des drapeaux occitans.

Peu avant 23 heures, brandissant des drapeaux occitans et le drapeau du P.N.O, nous nous sommes frayés un chemin dans la foule. L’ambiance était déjà chaude et les gens de la sécurité tendus. Sergio est arrivé sur scène. Il voulait voir des drapeaux ondoyant, il en a vu.

Tout de suite, j’ai été saisi par les chansons et la musique. On n’aime ou on n’aime pas le rock, occitan de surcroit, mais on ne peut que communier quand Sergio clame sa fierté, notre fierté d’être Occitans, quand il clame que nous avons un hymne national occitan, non pas la Marseillaise dont on n’a rien à foutre (dixit) mais le Se canta.
Ce Sergio c’est une bête de scène, il court, il danse, il fait le pitre. C’est un déferlement sonore de cornemuse, d’accordéon, de guitares, de violon (joué par une jeune fille mignonne à croquer ce qui ne gâte rien.) Le niveau sonore est un peu trop élevé pour les oreilles de certains de nos militants mais moi je me crois revenu à l’âge de vingt ans. Je finis par fatiguer à force de brandir et de faire tournoyer mon drapeau mais je reste dans l’extase, non le mot n’est pas trop fort. En plus, plus nationaliste comme discours tu meurs.

Quand le moment du Se canta arrive, Sergio veut que nous chantions avec eux et que nous montions sur la scène, ce qui ne plait guère à la sécurité. Certains réussissent à franchir les barrières et à monter sur la scène mais d’autres, dont moi, sont refoulés par la sécurité. Quel Se canta ! A pleurer de joie. Ce n’est pas fini pour autant et les chansons ou airs de danse défilent.

La fête finit par s’achever vers 1 heure et demi. Je suis épuisé mais heureux. Encore une embrassade avec Sergio, une bière pour étancher une soif inextinguible et nous allons nous coucher. Je suis regonflé à bloc. Merci Sergio, tu nous montres le chemin, la libertat qu’ei lo camin.
JP Hilaire, co-président du P.N.O

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Précédent : Rodez / Estivada / et Ségolène apparut Retour à l'accueil

‪Anonymous | PayPal‬‏ - YouTube

‪Anonymous | PayPal‬‏ - YouTube
Ajoutée par AnonymousFrancophone le 30 juil. 2011
- Communiqué d'Anonymous et de Lulz Security : #opPayPal #AntiSec.
- À l'attention de PayPal, de ses clients et de nos amis du monde entier.
- [ French Video + English subtitles ].
- Pour rejoindre Anonymous sur IRC :

Ces dernières semaines, nous avons été choqués par l'enthousiasme que le FBI a mis à arrêter et menacer des personnes impliquées dans des cyber-opérations éthiques et modernes. La police continue à nous imposer ses règles ridicules : les « suspects » d'Anonymous sont passibles d'une amende pouvant aller jusqu'à 500.000 $ et d'une peine de 15 ans de prison rien que pour avoir pris part à un mouvement activiste historique. Bon nombre des Anons appréhendés sont accusés d'avoir participé à des attaques par déni de service (DDoS) contre des organisations corrompues et cupides comme PayPal.

En plus de cette effroyable incompétence policière, PayPal continue de retenir des fonds de Wikileaks, un phare pour la vérité en ces temps sombres. Nous ne faisons que défendre nos droits et unir les gens, mais PayPal, qui s'estime exonéré de tout blâme, encourage et aide les forces de l'ordre à pourchasser les participants au mouvement AntiSec.

Nous invitons tous les utilisateurs de PayPal à clôturer immédiatement leur compte et à envisager une autre alternative. La première étape vers la vraie liberté est de ne pas faire confiance à une entreprise qui gèle les comptes quand l'envie lui en prend ou sous la pression du gouvernement américain. L'enthousiasme avec lequel PayPal se plie à la loi est la preuve éloquente que le service n'est pas digne de sa clientèle. PayPal ne mérite ni vos transactions ni votre respect.

Rejoignez-nous dans notre dernière opération en date, contre PayPal : publiez sur Twitter une capture d'écran de la clôture de votre compte, venez nous l'annoncer sur IRC, faites passer le mot. Anonymous est devenu un canal d'information puissant et, contrairement aux gouvernements du monde, nous nous battons pour vous. Toujours.


This is an official communiqué from Anonymous and Lulz Security in the name of AntiSec.

In recent weeks, we've found ourselves outraged at the FBI's willingness to arrest and threaten those who are involved in ethical, modern cyber operations. Law enforcement continues to push its ridiculous rules upon us - Anonymous « suspects » may face a fine of up to 500,000 USD with the addition of 15 years' jailtime, all for taking part in a historical activist movement. Many of the already-apprehended Anons are being charged with taking part in DDoS attacks against corrupt and greedy organizations, such as PayPal.

In addition to this horrific law enforcement incompetence, PayPal continues to withhold funds from WikiLeaks, a beacon of truth in these dark times. By simply standing up for ourselves and uniting the people, PayPal still sees it fit to wash its hands of any blame, and instead encourages and assists law enforcement to hunt down participants in the AntiSec movement.

We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative. The first step to being truly free is not putting one's trust into a company that freezes accounts when it feels like, or when it is pressured by the U.S. government. PayPal's willingness to fold to legislation should be proof enough that they don't deserve the customers they get. They do not deserve your business, and they do not deserve your respect.

L'Arcusgi Per a liberta

Wikileaks Cables

Wikileaks Cables

Sort by: Author Date
Will the Rise of Wikileaks Competitors Make Whistleblowing Resistant to Censorship
Author: Electronic Frontier Foundation 2011/02/16
Since it began publishing a trove of classified United States Embassy cables on [+]
Tags: whistleblowers, censorship
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Why Senator Lieberman's Censorship Law Is Unconstitutional And A Danger To Free Speech
Author: Techdirt 2011/01/08
Senator Joe Lieberman has been the harshest critic of the Wikileaks cable leak, [+]
Tags: censorship, free speech
Rate: 0 Vote

Just Weeks After Cutting Off Wikileaks, Amazon Brags About How US Federal Gov't Is One Of Its Biggest AWS Customers
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/30
While Senator Joe Lieberman took credit for pressuring Amazon to stop hosting [+]
Tags: amazon, censorship, crackdown
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NY Times Finally Speaks Out Against Financial Firms Blocking Wikileaks
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/27
One of the more annoying things about watching the major news publications [+]
Tags: press, censorship
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Wikileaks, Intermediary Chokepoints And The Dissent Tax
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/27
What the Wikileaks furor shows us is that a dissent tax is emerging on the [+]
Tags: crackdown, dissent tak, censorship
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NYT on Banks and Wikileaks - a troubling prospect
Author: Boing Boing 2010/12/25
A New York Times editorial today on the recent actions of Bank America, Visa, [+]
Tags: censorship, free speech, democracy
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Steve Jobs kicks WikiLeaks out of the iTunes App Store
Author: Edible Apple 2010/12/24
Explaining their position, Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller told the New York [+]
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Can we use S3 and EC2 to host free speech?
Author: Scripting News 2010/12/24
As far as I know the issues around Amazon's decision to evict WikiLeaks from [+]
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Now Random Webhosts Are Demanding Wikileaks Mirrors Be Taken Down Over Possibility Of DDoS
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/23
With all the attempts by corporations to distance themselves from Wikileaks -- [+]
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JFK On Secrecy And Censorship
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/23
Glyn Moody points us to a blog post that has a video/audio clip of a John F. [+]
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Why Are US Publications Downplaying The Significance Of Some Of Wikileaks' Leaks
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/22
We still can't quite figure out why the story of US contractors in Afghanistan [+]
Tags: press, journalism, censorship, dyncorp
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Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is not welcome to attend WEF
Author: scripting news 2010/12/19
Embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is not welcome to attend this year's [+]
Tags: julian assange, censorship, crackdown
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Twitter explains why it's not trending, as hackers play cat and mouse
Author: The Guardian - Technology 2010/12/09
Twitter has officially posted on its blog about the fact that the #wikileaks [+]
Tags: crackdown, censorship, hackers
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Lieberman Praises Companies Helping Him Try To Censor Wikileaks
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/09
This should hardly comes as a surprise, but Senator Joe Lieberman has [+]
Tags: censorship, crackdown, joe liberman
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What Would Happen If Wikileaks Got Its Own Top Level Domain?
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/09
With all the talk about how the whole Wikileaks/domain name seizures issue is [+]
Tags: censorship, wikileaks aftermath
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If Assange Were In China, US Politicians Would Be Cheering Him On
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/09
We've pointed out the general hypocrisy of US politicians calling for an end to [+]
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Amazon Won't Host Wikileaks... But Will Sell The Leaked Cables For Your Kindle?
Author: Techdirt 2010/12/09
This is making the rounds on Twitter, but cc was the first to submit it here. [+]
Tags: censorship, amazon
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Anonymous | Arrestations

Anonymous | Arrestations

Anonymous | Vidéo | Média

Anonymous | Vidéo | Média

vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Know Your Rights! | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Know Your Rights! | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Home » Our Work » Whitepapers
Know Your Rights!
By Hanni Fakhoury, EFF Staff Attorney
June 2011

Know Your Rights Whitepaper (pdf)
EFF Police Tips (pdf)

Your computer, your phone, and your other digital devices hold vast amounts of personal information about you and your family. This is sensitive data that's worth protecting from prying eyes - including those of the government.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects you from unreasonable government searches and seizures, and this protection extends to your computer and portable devices. But how does this work in the real world? What should you do if the police or other law enforcement officers show up at your door and want to search your computer?

EFF has designed this guide to help you understand your rights if officers try to search the data stored on your computer or portable electronic device, or seize it for further examination somewhere else.

Because anything you say can be used against you in a criminal or civil case, before speaking to any law enforcement official, you should consult with an attorney.

Q: Can the police enter my home to search my computer or portable device, like a laptop or cell phone?
A: No, in most instances, unless they have a warrant. But there are two major exceptions: (1) you consent to the search;1 or (2) the police have probable cause to believe there is incriminating evidence on the computer that is under immediate threat of destruction.2
Q: What if the police have a search warrant to enter my home, but not to search my computer? Can they search it then?
A: No, typically, because a search warrant only allows the police to search the area or items described in the warrant.3 But if the warrant authorizes the police to search for evidence of a particular crime, and such evidence is likely to be found on your computer, some courts have allowed the police to search the computer without a warrant.4 Additionally, while the police are searching your home, if they observe something in plain view on the computer that is suspicious or incriminating, they may take it for further examination and can rely on their observations to later get a search warrant.5 And of course, if you consent, any search of your computer is permissible.
Q: Can my roommate/guest/spouse/partner allow the police access to my computer?
A: Maybe. A third party can consent to a search as long as the officers reasonably believe the third person has control over the thing to be searched.6 However, the police cannot search if one person with control (for example a spouse) consents, but another individual (the other spouse) with control does not.7 One court, however, has said that this rule applies only to a residence, and not personal property, such as a hard drive placed into someone else's computer.8
Q: What if the police want to search my computer, but I'm not the subject of their investigation?
A: It typically does not matter whether the police are investigating you, or think there is evidence they want to use against someone else located on your computer. If they have a warrant, you consent to the search, or they think there is something incriminating on your computer that may be immediately destroyed, the police can search it. Regardless of whether you're the subject of an investigation, you can always seek the assistance of a lawyer.
Q: Can I see the warrant?
A: Yes. The police must take the warrant with them when executing it and give you a copy of it.9 They must also knock and announce their entry before entering your home10 and must serve the warrant during the day in most circumstances.11
Q: Can the police take my computer with them and search it somewhere else?
A: Yes. As long as the police have a warrant, they can seize the computer and take it somewhere else to search it more thoroughly. As part of that inspection, the police may make a copy of media or other files stored on your computer.12
Q: Do I have to cooperate with them when they are searching?
A: No, you do not have to help the police conduct the search. But you should not physically interfere with them, obstruct the search, or try to destroy evidence, since that can lead to your arrest. This is true even if the police don't have a warrant and you do not consent to the search, but the police insist on searching anyway. In that instance, do not interfere but write down the names and badge numbers of the officers and immediately call a lawyer.
Q: Do I have to answer their questions while they are searching my home without a warrant?
A: No, you do not have to answer any questions. In fact, because anything you say can be used against you and other individuals, it is best to say nothing at all until you have a chance to talk to a lawyer. However, if you do decide to answer questions, be sure to tell the truth. It is a crime to lie to a police officer and you may find yourself in more trouble for lying to law enforcement than for whatever it was they wanted on your computer.13
Q: If the police ask for my encryption keys or passwords, do I have to turn them over?
A: No. The police can't force you to divulge anything. However, a judge or a grand jury may be able to. The Fifth Amendment protects you from being forced to give the government self-incriminating testimony. If turning over an encryption key or password triggers this right, not even a court can force you to divulge the information. But whether that right is triggered is a difficult question to answer. If turning over an encryption key or password will reveal to the government information it does not have (such as demonstrating that you have control over files on a computer), there is a strong argument that the Fifth Amendment protects you.14 If, however, turning over passwords and encryption keys will not incriminate you, then the Fifth Amendment does not protect you. Moreover, even if you have a Fifth Amendment right that protects your encryption keys or passwords, a grand jury or judge may still order you to disclose your data in an unencrypted format under certain circumstances.15 If you find yourself in a situation where the police are demanding that you turn over encryption keys or passwords, let EFF know.
Q: If my computer is taken and searched, can I get it back?
A: Perhaps. If your computer was illegally seized, then you can file a motion with the court to have the property returned.16 If the police believe that evidence of a crime has been found on your computer (such as "digital contraband" like pirated music and movies, or digital images of child pornography), the police can keep the computer as evidence. They may also attempt to make you forfeit the computer, but you can challenge that in court.17
Q: What about my work computer?
A: It depends. Generally, you have some Fourth Amendment protection in your office or workspace.18 This means the police need a warrant to search your office and work computer unless one of the exceptions described above applies. But the extent of Fourth Amendment protection depends on the physical details of your work environment, as well as any employer policies. For example, the police will have difficulty justifying a warrantless search of a private office with doors and a lock and a private computer that you have exclusive access to. On the other hand, if you share a computer with other co-workers, you will have a weaker expectation of privacy in that computer, and thus less Fourth Amendment protection.19 However, be aware that your employer can consent to a police request to search an office or workspace.20 Moreover, if you work for a public entity or government agency, no warrant is required to search your computer or office as long as the search is for a non-investigative, work-related matter.21
Q: I've been arrested. Can the police search my cell phone without a warrant?
A: Maybe. After a person has been arrested, the police generally may search the items on her person and in her pockets, as well as anything within her immediate control.22 This means that the police can physically take your cell phone and anything else in your pockets. Some courts go one step further and allow the police to search the contents of your cell phone, like text messages, call logs, emails, and other data stored on your phone, without a warrant.23 Other courts disagree, and require the police to seek a warrant.24 It depends on the circumstances and where you live.
Q: The police pulled me over while I was driving. Can they search my cell phone?
A: Maybe. If the police believe there is probably evidence of a crime in your car, they may search areas within a driver or passenger's reach where they believe they might find it - like the glove box, center console, and other "containers."25 Some courts have found cell phones to be "containers" that police may search without a warrant.26
Q: Can the police search my computer or portable devices at the border without a warrant?
A: Yes. So far, courts have ruled that almost any search at the border is "reasonable" - so government agents don't need to get a warrant. This means that officials can inspect your computer or electronic equipment, even if they have no reason to suspect there is anything illegal on it.27 An international airport may be considered the functional equivalent of a border, even if it is many miles from the actual border.28
Q: Can the police take my electronic device away from the border or airport for further examination without a warrant?
A: At least one federal court has said yes, they can send it elsewhere for further inspection if necessary.29 Even though you may be permitted to enter the country, your computer or portable device may not be.
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Guest Post: The Essential Rules Of Tyranny | ZeroHedge

Guest Post: The Essential Rules Of Tyranny | ZeroHedge
Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt Market

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

As we look back on the horrors of the dictatorships and autocracies of the past, one particular question consistently arises; how was it possible for the common men of these eras to NOT notice what was happening around them? How could they have stood as statues unaware or uncaring as their cultures were overrun by fascism, communism, collectivism, and elitism? Of course, we have the advantage of hindsight, and are able to research and examine the misdeeds of the past at our leisure. Unfortunately, such hindsight does not necessarily shield us from the long cast shadow of tyranny in our own day. For that, the increasingly uncommon gift of foresight is required…

At bottom, the success of despotic governments and Big Brother societies hinges upon a certain number of political, financial, and cultural developments. The first of which is an unwillingness in the general populace to secure and defend their own freedoms, making them completely reliant on corrupt establishment leadership. For totalitarianism to take hold, the masses must not only neglect the plight of their country, and the plight of others, but also be completely uninformed of the inherent indirect threats to their personal safety. They must abandon all responsibility for their destinies, and lose all respect for their own humanity. They must, indeed, become domesticated and mindless herd animals without regard for anything except their fleeting momentary desires for entertainment and short term survival. For a lumbering bloodthirsty behemoth to actually sneak up on you, you have to be pretty damnably oblivious.

The prevalence of apathy and ignorance sets the stage for the slow and highly deliberate process of centralization. Once dishonest governments accomplish an atmosphere of inaction and condition a sense of frailty within the citizenry, the sky is truly the limit. However, a murderous power-monger’s day is never quite done. In my recent article ‘The Essential Rules of Liberty’ we explored the fundamentally unassailable actions and mental preparations required to ensure the continuance of a free society. In this article, let’s examine the frequently wielded tools of tyrants in their invariably insane quests for total control…

Rule #1: Keep Them Afraid

People who are easily frightened are easily dominated. This is not just a law of political will, but a law of nature. Many wrongly assume that a tyrant’s power comes purely from the application of force. In fact, despotic regimes that rely solely on extreme violence are often very unsuccessful, and easily overthrown. Brute strength is calculable. It can be analyzed, and thus, eventually confronted and defeated. Thriving tyrants instead utilize not just harm, but the imminent THREAT of harm. They instill apprehension in the public; a fear of the unknown, or a fear of the possible consequences for standing against the state. They let our imaginations run wild until we see death around every corner, whether it’s actually there or not. When the masses are so blinded by the fear of reprisal that they forget their fear of slavery, and take no action whatsoever to undo it, then they have been sufficiently culled.

In other cases, our fear is evoked and directed towards engineered enemies. Another race, another religion, another political ideology, a “hidden” and ominous villain created out of thin air. Autocrats assert that we “need them” in order to remain safe and secure from these illusory monsters bent on our destruction. As always, this development is followed by the claim that all steps taken, even those that dissolve our freedoms, are “for the greater good”. Frightened people tend to shirk their sense of independence and run towards the comfort of the collective, even if that collective is built on immoral and unconscionable foundations. Once a society takes on a hive-mind mentality almost any evil can be rationalized, and any injustice against the individual is simply overlooked for the sake of the group.

Rule #2: Keep Them Isolated

In the past, elitist governments would often legislate and enforce severe penalties for public gatherings, because defusing the ability of the citizenry to organize or to communicate was paramount to control. In our technological era, such isolation is still used, but in far more advanced forms. The bread and circus lifestyle of the average westerner alone is enough to distract us from connecting with each other in any meaningful fashion, but people still sometimes find ways to seek out organized forms of activism.

Through co-option, modern day tyrant’s can direct and manipulate opposition movements. By creating and administrating groups which oppose each other, elites can then micromanage all aspects of a nation on the verge of revolution. These “false paradigms” give us the illusion of proactive organization, and the false hope of changing the system, while at the same time preventing us from seeking understanding in one another. All our energies are then muted and dispersed into meaningless battles over “left and right”, or “Democrat versus Republican”, for example. Only movements that cast aside such empty labels and concern themselves with the ultimate truth of their country, regardless of what that truth might reveal, are able to enact real solutions to the disasters wrought by tyranny.

In more advanced forms of despotism, even fake organizations are disbanded. Curfews are enforced. Normal communications are diminished or monitored. Compulsory paperwork is required. Checkpoints are instituted. Free speech is punished. Existing groups are influenced to distrust each other or to disintegrate entirely out of dread of being discovered. All of these measures are taken by tyrants primarily to prevent ANY citizens from gathering and finding mutual support. People who work together and organize of their own volition are unpredictable, and therefore, a potential risk to the state.

Rule #3: Keep Them Desperate

You’ll find in nearly every instance of cultural descent into autocracy, the offending government gained favor after the onset of economic collapse. Make the necessities of root survival an uncertainty, and people without knowledge of self sustainability and without solid core principles will gladly hand over their freedom, even for mere scraps from the tables of the same men who unleashed famine upon them. Financial calamities are not dangerous because of the poverty they leave in their wake; they are dangerous because of the doors to malevolence that they leave open.

Destitution leads not just to hunger, but also to crime (private and government). Crime leads to anger, hatred, and fear. Fear leads to desperation. Desperation leads to the acceptance of anything resembling a solution, even despotism.

Autocracies pretend to cut through the dilemmas of economic dysfunction (usually while demanding liberties be relinquished), however, behind the scenes they actually seek to maintain a proscribed level of indigence and deprivation. The constant peril of homelessness and starvation keeps the masses thoroughly distracted from such things as protest or dissent, while simultaneously chaining them to the idea that their only chance is to cling to the very government out to end them.

Rule #4: Send Out The Jackboots

This is the main symptom often associated with totalitarianism. So much so that our preconceived notions of what a fascist government looks like prevent us from seeing other forms of tyranny right under our noses. Some Americans believe that if the jackbooted thugs are not knocking on every door, then we MUST still live in a free country. Obviously, this is a rather naïve position. Admittedly, though, goon squads and secret police do eventually become prominent in every failed nation, usually while the public is mesmerized by visions of war, depression, hyperinflation, terrorism, etc.

When law enforcement officials are no longer servants of the people, but agents of a government concerned only with its own supremacy, serious crises emerge. Checks and balances are removed. The guidelines that once reigned in police disappear, and suddenly, a philosophy of superiority emerges; an arrogant exclusivity that breeds separation between law enforcement and the rest of the public. Finally, police no longer see themselves as protectors of citizens, but prison guards out to keep us subdued and docile.

As tyranny grows, this behavior is encouraged. Good men are filtered out of the system, and small (minded and hearted) men are promoted.

At its pinnacle, a police state will hide the identities of most of its agents and officers, behind masks or behind red tape, because their crimes in the name of the state become so numerous and so sadistic that personal vengeance on the part of their victims will become a daily concern.

Rule #5: Blame Everything On The Truth Seekers

Tyrants are generally men who have squelched their own consciences. They have no reservations in using any means at their disposal to wipe out opposition. But, in the early stages of their ascent to power, they must give the populace a reason for their ruthlessness, or risk being exposed, and instigating even more dissent. The propaganda machine thus goes into overdrive, and any person or group that dares to question the authority or the validity of the state is demonized in the minds of the masses.

All disasters, all violent crimes, all the ills of the world, are hoisted upon the shoulders of activist groups and political rivals. They are falsely associated with fringe elements already disliked by society (racists, terrorists, etc). A bogus consensus is created through puppet media in an attempt to make the public believe that “everyone else” must have the same exact views, and those who express contrary positions must be “crazy”, or “extremist”. Events are even engineered by the corrupt system and pinned on those demanding transparency and liberty. The goal is to drive anti-totalitarian organizations into self censorship. That is to say, instead of silencing them directly, the state causes activists to silence themselves.

Tyrannical power structures cannot function without scapegoats. There must always be an elusive boogie man under the bed of every citizen, otherwise, those citizens may turn their attention, and their anger, towards the real culprit behind their troubles. By scapegoating stewards of the truth, such governments are able to kill two birds with one stone.

Rule #6: Encourage Citizen Spies

Ultimately, the life of a totalitarian government is not prolonged by the government itself, but by the very people it subjugates. Citizen spies are the glue of any police state, and our propensity for sticking our noses into other peoples business is highly valued by Big Brother bureaucracies around the globe.

There are a number of reasons why people participate in this repulsive activity. Some are addicted to the feeling of being a part of the collective, and “service” to this collective, sadly, is the only way they are able to give their pathetic lives meaning. Some are vindictive, cold, and soulless, and actually get enjoyment from ruining others. And still, like elites, some long for power, even petty power, and are willing to do anything to fulfill their vile need to dictate the destinies of perfect strangers.

Citizen spying is almost always branded as a civic duty; an act of heroism and bravery. Citizen spies are offered accolades and awards, and showered with praise from the upper echelons of their communities. People who lean towards citizen spying are often outwardly and inwardly unimpressive; physically and mentally inept. For the average moral and emotional weakling with persistent feelings of inadequacy, the allure of finally being given fifteen minutes of fame and a hero’s status (even if that status is based on a lie) is simply too much to resist. They begin to see “extremists” and “terrorists” everywhere. Soon, people afraid of open ears everywhere start to watch what they say at the supermarket, in their own backyards, or even to family members. Free speech is effectively neutralized.

Rule #7: Make Them Accept The Unacceptable

In the end, it is not enough for a government fueled by the putrid sludge of iniquity to lord over us. At some point, it must also influence us to forsake our most valued principles. Tyrannies are less concerned with dominating how we live, so much as dominating how we think. If they can mold our very morality, they can exist unopposed indefinitely. Of course, the elements of conscience are inborn, and not subject to environmental duress as long as a man is self aware. However, conscience can be manipulated if a person has no sense of identity, and has never put in the effort to explore his own strengths and failings. There are many people like this in America today.

Lies become “necessary” in protecting the safety of the state. War becomes a tool for “peace”. Torture becomes an ugly but “useful” method for gleaning important information. Police brutality is sold as a “natural reaction” to increased crime. Rendition becomes normal, but only for those labeled as “terrorists”. Assassination is justified as a means for “saving lives”. Genocide is done discretely, but most everyone knows it is taking place. They simply don’t discuss it.

All tyrannical systems depend on the apathy and moral relativism of the inhabitants within their borders. Without the cooperation of the public, these systems cannot function. The real question is, how many of the above steps will be taken before we finally refuse to conform? At what point will each man and woman decide to break free from the dark path blazed before us and take measures to ensure their independence? Who will have the courage to develop their own communities, their own alternative economies, their own organizations for mutual defense outside of establishment constructs, and who will break under the pressure to bow like cowards? How many will hold the line, and how many will flee?

For every American, for every human being across the planet who chooses to stand immovable in the face of the very worst in mankind, we come that much closer to breathing life once again into the very best in us all.

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Anonymous Speaks About A Horrible Act Of Police Brutality. -Gravzy

Corsica Infurmazione - Corse – Associu Sulidarità : « Tentative de dissolution de Sulidarità »

Corsica Infurmazione - Corse – Associu Sulidarità : « Tentative de dissolution de Sulidarità »

Corse – Associu Sulidarità : « Tentative de dissolution de Sulidarità »
on juillet 29th, 2011 at 11 h 18 min
Posted In: Mouvement National, Associu Sulidarità, Mouvement National
Depuis le 11 juillet dernier des milliers de porte-clés U Ribellu, dont la vente sert à aider les prisonniers politiques et leurs familles, sont bloqués en douane par l’administration française. Ces portes clés sont aujourd’hui sous séquestre et une enquête préliminaire pour « apologie du terrorisme » est aujourd’hui en cours contre l’Associu Sulidarità. Dumè Tafani, actuel Président en charge de l’Associu, a été convoqué mercredi à 15h au commissariat d’Aiacciu par la Police Judiciaire afin d’y être entendu comme « témoin » dans ce dossier.
L’Associu Sulidarità décide donc d’alerter les Corses sur cette nouvelle répression.
Voici le texte de cette communication :
Au fil des ans, Sulidarità a établi une légitimité que personne ne remet en cause dans le soutien en faveur des prisonniers politiques corses et de leurs familles. Nous avons étés reçus à l’assemblée nationale française, avons organisé un débat au sein de l’assemblée de Corse…. Au quotidien nous soutenons les familles et envoyons un mandat mensuel à chaque prisonnier ou assigné à résidence, nous participons également aux défraiements des avocats.

Notre engagement est reconnu par tous. C’est notre travail qui a posé le problème du rapprochement et le changement de la loi. Nul, sur l’île ne remet en cause la pertinence de notre action.
Aujourd’hui, Le parquet d’Aix tente de nous faire disparaitre sous le motif « d’apologie du terrorisme ». Le prétexte est le logo du « clandestin » utilisé sur les porte-clefs et autres supports.
Les questions en forme d’accusations posées lors de l’interrogatoire de notre président ont été claires. Elles visent à notre condamnation. Donc à notre dissolution.
Devant la gravité de la situation, Sulidarità organise une conférence de presse :
Nous invitons toutes les personnes qui défendent comme nous les droits humains et la liberté d’expression à venir nombreux.
Associu Sulidarità
Sur le même sujet :
Corse – Associu Sulidarità : « Tentative de dissolution de Sulidarità »
Corse, Corsica – Prova di sciuglimentu di l’Associu Sulidarità
Corse – Des produits de l’Associu Sulidarità bloqués en douane à Marseille !!!
Information complémentaires :
Source site officiel
Site de vente de l’Associu pour soutenir les prisonniers politiques et leurs familles
Faites passer l’information autours de vous en cliquant sur :

Julian Assange Splendour Forum Address 2011

"this generation is burning the mass media to the ground"

L'ONU publie un guide sur le droit à la défense des Droits de l'homme

L'ONU publie un guide sur le droit à la défense des Droits de l'homme

jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Anonymous & Lulz Security Write Letter to FBI | SecurityWeek.Com

Anonymous & Lulz Security Write Letter to FBI | SecurityWeek.Com
The full letter is below, which was published via Pastebin this morning.

Hello thar FBI and international law authorities,

We recently stumbled across the following article with amazement and a certain amount of amusement:

The statements made by deputy assistant FBI director Steve Chabinsky in this article clearly seem to be directed at Anonymous and Lulz Security, and we are happy to provide you with a response.

You state:

"We want to send a message that chaos on the Internet is unacceptable, [even if] hackers can be believed to have social causes, it's entirely unacceptable to break into websites and commit unlawful acts."

Now let us be clear here, Mr. Chabinsky, while we understand that you and your colleagues may find breaking into websites unacceptable, let us tell you what WE find unacceptable:

* Governments lying to their citizens and inducing fear and terror to keep them in control by dismantling their freedom piece by piece.

* Corporations aiding and conspiring with said governments while taking advantage at the same time by collecting billions of funds for federal contracts we all know they can't fulfil.

* Lobby conglomerates who only follow their agenda to push the profits higher, while at the same time being deeply involved in governments around the world with the only goal to infiltrate and corrupt them enough so the status quo will never change.

These governments and corporations are our enemy. And we will continue to fight them, with all methods we have at our disposal, and that certainly includes breaking into their websites and exposing their lies.

We are not scared any more. Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea. Any attempt to do so will make your citizens more angry until they will roar in one gigantic choir. It is our mission to help these people and there is nothing - absolutely nothing - you can possibly to do make us stop.

"The Internet has become so important to so many people that we have to ensure that the World Wide Web does not become the Wild Wild West."

Let me ask you, good sir, when was the Internet not the Wild Wild West? Do you really believe you were in control of it at any point? You were not.
That does not mean that everyone behaves like an outlaw. You see, most people do not behave like bandits if they have no reason to. We become bandits on the Internet because you have forced our hand. The Anonymous bitchslap rings through your ears like hacktivism movements of the 90s. We're back - and we're not going anywhere. Expect us.

Don’t Mix Vodka and Drugs | English Russia

Don’t Mix Vodka and Drugs | English Russia

‪Octobre 1768, Borgu : défaite militaire française.‬‏ - YouTube

‪Octobre 1768, Borgu : défaite militaire française.‬‏ - YouTube

La Bataille de Borgu en octobre1768 est une victoire éclatante des troupes de la république corse indépendance sur l'impérialisme français.
Depuis 1755, la Corse est une république indépendante et démocratique. La bataille finale contre Gênes est livrée le 29 mai 1767 sur l'île de Capraia. La république de Gênes est définitivement vaincue.
Suite à l'odieux traité de Versailles où Gênes vend une prétendue suzeraineté sur la Corse au Roi de France celui-ci se donne un droit d'ingérence internationale dans les affaires de Corse en tentant la conquête militaire de l'île en octobre 1768. Cette date restera à jamais gravé dans toutes les mémoires des corses et des français. L'armée régulière de la Corse indépendante mettra en déroute l'une des meilleurs armées du monde de l'époque, l'armée du Roi de France, un roi de droit divin qui ne connaissait pas le sens des mots suffrage universel, séparation des pouvoirs et encore moins démocratie.



Un generale fù mandatu quì
(Un général fut envoyé ici)
In Bastia per tumbà è ferì
(A Bastia, pour tuer et blesser)
Stu conte scemu chì vulia fà
(Ce Comte fou, que voulait-il faire ?
Dumà u pòpulu di Pasquà.
(Dompter le peuple de Pasquale)


Mà 'ssi guerrieri, ardiiti' è fieri
(Mais ces guerriers audacieux et fiers)
Sò di a sterpa di Sampieru
(Sont de la race de Sampieru)
Di Sambucucciu, corsu sinceru
(De Sambuccuciu, des patriotes corses)
Luttonu contr' a u strangeru
(Ils luttent contre l'étranger)
E quell' u ghjornu
(Et ce jour là)
Compi u sugiornu
(Leur présence a pris fin)
In Cirnu è in quelli cuntorni
(En Corse et dans ses alentours)
Chì funu avvinti è arrivinti
(Ils furent encerclés et marqués au fer rouge)
Scacciati di l'Isula vinti
(Puis chassés de l'île, vaincus)

St'armata feroce da servi maiò
(Cette armée féroce au service des puissants)
A l'omu tranquillu a guerra arricò
(A l'homme paisible elle apporta la guerre)
Li pasturelli a pobbenu parà
(Les braves bergers peuvent l'emporter)
Sopr' à la Bastia per a libertà.
(Au-dessus de Bastia pour la liberté)


In quellu Borgu a storia chi fù
(Dans ce Borgu l'Histoire qui fût
Scritta in lu sangue è torna dinù
(Ecrite dans le sang, et se répète à nouveau
Per ramintà ciò chì fù è serà
(Pour garder en mémoire ce qui fût et ce qui sera)
Ci tocca à cantà, ci tocca à cantà.
(Il nous incombe de chanter, il nous incombe de chanter)

Catégorie :
Tags :
Corsica Borgu FLNC Pasquale Paoli Indipendenza Resistance Resistenza Librerté Libertà Bataille Guerre Indépendance France Corsica Libera.Peuple corse Nation corse Victoire ETA Irlande IRA albanian course voyage concours chute maison obstacle soleil mont
Licence :
Licence YouTube standard

October 1768, the Battle of Borgu: French Military Defeats

Nos ancetres : I Corsi

Give Us Your Money, Suckers -- U.S. Government Requesting Public Donations To Help Pay The Debt

Give Us Your Money, Suckers -- U.S. Government Requesting Public Donations To Help Pay The Debt

The U.S government has put up a page provided by the Department of The Treasure to accept donations to pay down the public debt.

They stole our money to give the wall street bankers $16 trillion in secret bailouts and $9 Trillion has disappeared from the Fed.

When it was time to bail out the taxpayer they let wall street run mortgage foreclosure mills all over the country and instead of prosecuting the fraud they have allowed it to continue for years.

Instead they have made it official policy not to prosecute fraud.

In fact states are negotiating deals to give the crooks immunity.

They have spent trillions of dollars on illegal overseas wars for oil and drugs.

They hand over hundreds of billions to spy on us creating a domestic spy program that has grown beyond our worst nightmares.

They have stolen trillions from Social Security and are conducting secret talks to chop Social Security, Medicare and Public Education

They have repeatedly violated our civil rights, censor us , beat us, torture us, kidnap us, call us terrorists, target us for assassination, and detain us indefinitely with no charge in overseas torture camps.

And now they have the nerve to put their hands outs and ask the taxpayers for a bailout.

Go Ahead Suckers, give them your money….

Home > Gifts to Reduce the Public Debt

La Palestine rêve à son tour d'un "printemps arabe" - EiTB Actualites International

La Palestine rêve à son tour d'un "printemps arabe" - EiTB Actualites International
La Palestine rêve à son tour d'un "printemps arabe"
Rédaction - 28/07/2011 | eitb.comm | Laissez un commentaire
Malgré l'opposition d'Israël et des Etats Unis, Mahmoud Abbas appelle les Palestiniens à soutenir dans la rue le principe d'une nation indépendante, dès ce mercredi.
agrandir image
our. Photo : EFE
Evoquant les révoltes dans le monde arabe, le président de l'Autorité palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas a appelé ce mercredi les Palestiniens à descendre dans la rue pour exprimer leur soutien aux efforts de leur gouvernement en vue d'obtenir la reconnaissance d'un Etat palestinien indépendant à l'ONU.
M. Abbas souhaite voir de grands rassemblements pacifiques en Cisjordanie pour soutenir les efforts de l'Autorité palestinienne. "Nous parlons tous de la résistance et ce doit être tous les jours", a déclaré M. Abbas à un groupe de responsables politiques palestiniens. Evoquant le "printemps arabe", il a souligné que les manifestations devaient rester "pacifiques".
"Ne vous y trompez pas, nous arriverons à ce que nous voulons sans intervention de qui que ce soit", a-t-il ajouté.
Alors que les pourparlers de paix avec Israël sont dans l'impasse, les Palestiniens comptent demander à l'ONU de reconnaître un Etat palestinien indépendant au mois de septembre. Israël et les Etats-Unis s'opposent à l'initiative, estimant qu'un tel Etat devrait être le résultat de négociations.
La détermination de Mahmoud Abbas à se tourner vers l'ONU et son appel à prendre exemple sur les manifestations dans le monde arabe semblent indiquer qu'il se prépare à une confrontation avec Israël et les Etats-Unis.
Un vote de l'ONU serait essentiellement symbolique, mais les Palestiniens estiment qu'il enverrait un message fort à Israël et renforcerait leur position dans de futures négociations.

Corsica Infurmazione - Des policiers et gendarmes de Mayotte trafiquants de drogues ?

Corsica Infurmazione - Des policiers et gendarmes de Mayotte trafiquants de drogues ?

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Pyrénées - se canto

Pyrénées - se canto


‪Pirates and Emperors‬‏ - YouTube

‪Pirates and Emperors‬‏ - YouTube

What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!

Visit the Blog =

Anonymous / AntiSec - OP Paypal

Dear PayPal, its customers, and our friends around the globe,

This is an official communiqué from Anonymous and Lulz Security in the name of AntiSec.

In recent weeks, we've found ourselves outraged at the FBI's willingness to arrest and threaten those who are involved in ethical, modern cyber operations. Law enforcement continues to push its ridiculous rules upon us - Anonymous "suspects" may face a fine of up to 500,000 USD with the addition of 15 years' jailtime, all for taking part in a historical activist movement. Many of the already-apprehended Anons are being charged with taking part in DDoS attacks against corrupt and greedy organizations, such as PayPal.

What the FBI needs to learn is that there is a vast difference between adding one's voice to a chorus and digital sit-in with Low Orbit Ion Cannon, and controlling a large botnet of infected computers. And yet both of these are punishable with exactly the same fine and sentence.

In addition to this horrific law enforcement incompetence, PayPal continues to withhold funds from WikiLeaks, a beacon of truth in these dark times. By simply standing up for ourselves and uniting the people, PayPal still sees it fit to wash its hands of any blame, and instead encourages and assists law enforcement to hunt down participants in the AntiSec movement.

Quite simply, we, the people, are disgusted with these injustices. We will not sit down and let ourselves be trampled upon by any corporation or government. We are not scared of you, and that is something for you to be scared of. We are not the terrorists here: you are.

We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative. The first step to being truly free is not putting one's trust into a company that freezes accounts when it feels like, or when it is pressured by the U.S. government. PayPal's willingness to fold to legislation should be proof enough that they don't deserve the customers they get. They do not deserve your business, and they do not deserve your respect.

Join us in our latest operation against PayPal - tweet pictures of your account closure, tell us on IRC, spread the word. Anonymous has become a powerful channel of information, and unlike the governments of the world, we are here to fight for you. Always.

Signed, your allies,

Lulz Security (unvanned)
Anonymous (unknown)
AntiSec (untouchable)

No jail for gun granny |

No jail for gun granny |

27/07/2011 - 16:45:23
A great grandmother who was caught with two handguns in her bag at Dublin Airport last year has today escaped a jail term.

Elizabeth Griffin (aged 69) of Mellowes Road, Finglas West, Dublin bought the guns for protection after attacks on her family by well-known criminals.

She also had six bullets in the bag and three shotgun cartridges - and a balaclava in her home.

When airport security spotted the weapons on an x-ray machine they assumed it was a test because of Griffin’s age.

In sentencing today, Judge Tony Hunt said "you sometimes reach a point where you feel you've seen everything - then something like this comes along to surprise you".

He imposed a one-year sentence, suspended in full for one year.

Read more:

Gianluca Grignani - Mi Historia Entre Tus Dedos (1995) [Subtittled in En...

Original :"The Snow Lion Manifesto" >> http:/... on Twitpic

Original :"The Snow Lion Manifesto" >> http:/... on Twitpic

Threw It On The Ground

un regard sur notre époque - per sempre libertat !: A message to PayPal, its customers, and our friends -

un regard sur notre époque - per sempre libertat !: A message to PayPal, its customers, and our friends -
incroyable ! les instances USA pour pas dire FbI ont saisies les données des personnes ayant aidé wikileaks par des dons sur paypal ! la cloture des comptes s'impose ! Operation PAYPAL (#opPAYPAL) Cash out your accounts, and cancel them. Press release coming soon. Get the message out there.

mardi 26 juillet 2011

More anonymising networks and solutions

More anonymising networks and solutions
More anonymising networks and solutions

With or without the in the in the Introductory Guide to Safety during Social Instability mentioned anonymising tools like I2P, VPN and Tor, many more anonymising networks are possible. I recommend not playing “The King Is Dead, Long Live The King” games but to use the open source networks and solutions that provide users with control. It may take a bit of work, or a local geek’s bit of work, but it’s well worth not being dependent on government and corporations. For one, it’s cheaper.


OrangeMesh is a simple, open source network management dashboard for ROBIN based networks. It helps communities, individuals, and business create and manage wireless mesh networks without any reliance on third parties.


Freenet is free software which lets you anonymously share files, browse and publish “freesites” (web sites accessible only through Freenet) and chat on forums, without fear of censorship. Freenet is decentralised to make it less vulnerable to attack, and if used in “darknet” mode, where users only connect to their friends, is very difficult to detect. For Linux and Unix.

Osiris – serverless portal system

Osiris portals are serverless, so they spread through the P2P network members. This allows the portals to be independent of central servers, free and indestructibles since they are supported by every portal member. Moreover, all the sent contents are anonymous, enabling a strong privacy protection and ensuring that no one can overwhelm this experiment of free thought and knowledge distribution. Osiris can also build monarchic portals for traditional moderation.

The Social VPN Project

This is a free and open-source P2P Social Virtual Private Network (VPN) that seamlessly networks your computer with the computers of your friends so that:

Your computer can communicate directly to computers of your friends, and all communication is encrypted and authenticated. In other words, you are in full control of who you connect to and all your communications are private.
This private network is configured with no hassle. The social VPN does all the configuration automatically for you. All you and your friends need to do is run this software and log in to your XMPP backend (such as Google chat, or
You and your friends can communicate, share and collaborate in countless ways, with existing applications, like iTunes, Windows shared folders, and remote desktop. You can share files and folders, stream music and video, play multi-user games, access remote desktops, and run a Web server private to your friends.
If you own multiple computers at different places, you can also use the Social VPN to seamlessly access your files, desktop, etc remotely – creating your own personal VPN.


Syndie lets your community seamlessly use many different resources at once, such as individual websites, mailing lists, Freenet keys, and file sharing networks, so there is no one place predators can attack. By distributing your community across many different servers and networks, they lose their single point where they can monitor your activities. Anyone in your community can exploit whatever resources they find to share data without needing anyone’s permission. Syndie’s data is automatically protected with strong cryptography, even when sharing information with the public, and as a result, simple passive monitoring - even across a global scale - will not expose your data.

More to follow (like AnonPlus …)

Tags: anonymising networks anonymising solutions freenet orangemesh osiris socialVPN syndie

Neturei Karta condamne l’assaut d’Israël contre la Flottille

Neturei Karta condamne l’assaut d’Israël contre la Flottille

Internet n’est pas responsable de tous les maux de la planète - Le blog de Tris

Internet n’est pas responsable de tous les maux de la planète - Le blog de Tris

Corsica Infurmazione - Programme – Ghjurnate Internaziunale di Corti : 1981 – 2011 « Trent’Anni », 6 è 7 d’Aostu

Corsica Infurmazione - Programme – Ghjurnate Internaziunale di Corti : 1981 – 2011 « Trent’Anni », 6 è 7 d’Aostu

lundi 25 juillet 2011

Eminem - Stan (Long Version) ft. Dido

Phanir Stiles
I have always loved this song, but the censorship here was more than excessive.

Le blog de Tris

Le blog de Tris

dimanche 24 juillet 2011

Amy Whinehouse is dead -The last concert on July 2011

Ajoutée par Tronic22 le 23 juil. 2011
Amy Whinehouse is dead ! This is the last scene on concert of her live.
Better moments in her live you can see :

Winehouse famously battled addiction to drugs and alcohol and was in and out of rehab several times throughout the years.

Last month, Winehouse canceled her European tour after a performance in Serbia where she seemed completely out of it.

She was 27.

"Amy Winehouse was an artist of immense proportions and I am deeply saddened to learn of her tragic passing. She was an extraordinary musician with a rare intuition as a vocalist and I am truly devastated that her exceptional talent has come to such an early end. She was a lovely and intelligent person and when we recorded together she gave a soulful and extraordinary performance. I was honored to have the opportunity to sing with her. It had been my sincere hope that she would be able to overcome the issues she was battling and I send my deepest sympathy to her father Mitchell, her entire family and all of those who loved her."

See here last concert
Catégorie :

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Une météorite tombe en Bretagne : les premières images - Fred-Lille sur (17:36)

Une météorite tombe en Bretagne : les premières images - Fred-Lille sur (17:36)

Attentat et fusillade en Norvège : huit questions sur un massacre | Rue89

Attentat et fusillade en Norvège : huit questions sur un massacre | Rue89

Blog de Michel Lefouineur.: QUI A DIT...

Blog de Michel Lefouineur.: QUI A DIT...

Dailymotion - La Terre peut-elle perdre le Nord ? - une vidéo High-tech et Science

Dailymotion - La Terre peut-elle perdre le Nord ? - une vidéo High-tech et Science

La terre peut-elle perdre le Nord ? : BLOG'Opapilles

La terre peut-elle perdre le Nord ? : BLOG'Opapilles

samedi 23 juillet 2011

Oslo bombing suspect prepped attacks in May.

Problèmes d’éthique et solutions

Problèmes d’éthique et solutions

Félibrige - Wikipédia

Félibrige - Wikipédia

Le Félibrige a été fondé au château de Font-Ségugne (à Châteauneuf-de-Gadagne, Vaucluse), en 1854, le 21 mai, jour de la sainte Estelle, par sept jeunes poètes : Frédéric Mistral, Joseph Roumanille, Théodore Aubanel, Jean Brunet, Paul Giéra, Anselme Mathieu et Alphonse Tavan. Ensemble, ils entendaient restaurer la langue provençale et en codifier l'orthographe.
Son action s'est appliquée au provençal dans un premier temps et s'est étendue très rapidement à l'ensemble des parlers d'oc, dès la fin du xixe siècle. La présence du Félibrige sur le territoire où se parle la langue d'oc a été assurée, entre autres, par des écrivains comme Michel Camélat et Simin Palay (Gascogne et Béarn), Albert Arnavielle, Justin Bessou, Jacques et Gabriel Azaïs et Achille Mir (Languedoc), Arsène Vermenouze (Auvergne), Joseph Roux (Limousin), José Mange (Provence), Charles Maurras1.
Le Félibrige est une organisation de défense et de promotion de la langue et de la culture d'oc. Il lutte pour la reconnaissance de la diversité culturelle en France et dans le monde. Il est aussi une des deux organisations présentes sur les 32 départements de langue d'oc avec l'Institut d'études occitanes (I.E.O.) depuis 1945................/...............

Ruport Murdoch, Reptilian Demon Seed.

Les eaux glacées du calcul égoïste -- Qualité de l’eau (1) : un mensonge d’état ?

Les eaux glacées du calcul égoïste -- Qualité de l’eau (1) : un mensonge d’état ?

vendredi 22 juillet 2011

Pictured: The blond Norwegian, 32, arrested over 'holiday island massacre' and linked to Oslo car bomb blasts | Mail Online

Pictured: The blond Norwegian, 32, arrested over 'holiday island massacre' and linked to Oslo car bomb blasts | Mail Online

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anders Behring Breivik
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has been suggested that this article or section be merged into 2011 Norway attacks. (Discuss) Proposed since July 2011.

Anders Behring Breivik (born 13 February 1979[citation needed]) is a Norwegian citizen, and the suspected perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks, although it is yet unknown if he acted alone.[1][2][3] On 22 July 2011, he allegedly approached a Labour Party youth camp on Utøya island, posing as a police officer, and then opening fire on the adolescents present, reportedly killing at least 80.[4] He has also been linked with the bomb blasts which had taken place approximately two hours earlier in Oslo. He was arrested on Utøya, and is currently in police custody. Following his apprehension, Breivik was characterized by officials as being a right-wing extremist.[5]
Breivik studied at the Oslo Commerce School, and is described by newspaper Verdens Gang as Conservative and nationalist.[3] He is also described as a one-time freemason.[6] He expresses his sympathies for Winston Churchill and Norwegian anti-Nazi World War II hero Max Manus on his alleged Facebook profile.[7]
According to the newspaper VG, he has no previous history with the police, apart from traffic violations.[3] According to the same source, Breivik has a Glock pistol, a rifle and a shotgun registered to his name. Breivik moved in late June or early July to rural small town of Rena in Åmot, Hedmark county, west of Oslo,[3] where he operated a farming sole proprietorship under the name "Breivik Geofarm".[8] It has been speculated that he could have used the company as a cover to legally obtain large amounts of artificial fertilizer and other chemicals for the manufacturing of fertilizer explosives.[3]

^ "Anders (32) i Oslo ble pågrepet etter bombe og massedrap | TV 2 Nyhetene" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 22 July 2011.
^ "Named: The blond Norwegian, 32, arrested over 'holiday island massacre' and linked to Oslo bomb blasts, which killed 7 people and injured many more.". Daily Mail. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
^ a b c d e "Pågrepet 32-åring kalte seg selv nasjonalistisk - VG Nett" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 22 July 2011.
^ "Police: At least 80 killed in Norwegian youth camp shooting". Detroit Free Press. 22 July 2011.
^ Goodman, J. David (23 July 2011). "At Least 80 Are Dead in Norway Shooting". The New York Times. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
^ "Frimurer Anders Behring | Medlemmer i frimurerlosjen | TV 2 Nyhetene" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 22 July 2011.
^ "Utøya-skytteren flyttet nylig til Hedmark" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 23 July 2011.
^ "Brønnøysundregistrene - Nøkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret" (in Norwegian). Brønnøysund Business Register. Ministry of Trade and Industry. 2009-05-18. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
This Norwegian biographical article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Corsica Infurmazione - Brendan Lillis, prisonnier politique, est en train de mourir en prison.

Corsica Infurmazione - Brendan Lillis, prisonnier politique, est en train de mourir en prison.

Rencontre avec William Klein

Rencontre avec William Klein

jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Recette du cake au cédrat confit | Cuisinez Corse | Cuisinez Corse

Recette du cake au cédrat confit | Cuisinez Corse | Cuisinez Corse

Recette du cake au cédrat confit
Posted: 21 Jul 2011 07:07 AM PDT

Envie d’une idée de gâteau pour renouveler le bon vieux gâteau au yaourt ? On vous propose aujourd’hui de tester le cake au cédrat. Le cédrat, c’est cet agrume Corse au goût citronné. On le consomme le plus souvent confit et en pâtisserie, ça tombe plutôt bien pour nous .

Ingrédients du cake au cédrat

Pour 6 personnes

- 3 œufs
- 120 g de farine
- 120 g de sucre en poudre
- 120 g de beurre
- 1 pincée de sel
- 120 g de farine
- 1 sachet de levure chimique
- 1 sachet de sucre vanillé
- 150 g de cédrat confit
- ½ jus de citron

Préparation du cake au cédrat

Pas de surprise dans la préparation ! Le cake au cédrat se prépare comme tous les autres cakes : faire fondre, mélanger, verser, préchauffer, cuire…. côté actions, c’est plutôt traditionnel. Mais côté goût, c’est beaucoup plus subtile ! Ca, c’était pour la version accélérée . Passons maintenant à la version originale : Dans une casserole (ou au micro-onde), faites fondre le beurre. Attention, surveillez-le bien. Ne le laissez pas se transformer en huile… il nous faut juste du beurre ramolli. Nuance ! Versez-le ensuite dans un saladier et ajoutez petit à petit la farine. Mélangez bien entre chaque ajout de manière à avoir une pâte onctueuse et non une masse informe . Ajoutez en suivant : les 3 œufs, le sucre, la levure chimique, le sucre vanillé et le jus de citron. Mélangez le tout. Voilà, vous avez fait le plus gros du travail.

2ème étape : coupez le cédrat confit en cubes fins. Pourquoi ? Comme ça, en croquant dans le gâteau, vous sentirez de petits morceaux de cédrat ! Miam. Une alternative à cette recette consiste à faire macérer le cédrat dans du cognac. C’est tout de suite plus relevé. A vous de voir. Ajoutez ces cubes à la préparation.

Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Pendant, le temps de préchauffage, beurrez un moule à cake. Farinez-le pour pouvoir démouler après la cuisson. Oui, c’est mieux de pouvoir démouler son gâteau . Versez-y la pâte. C’est parti pour 45 minutes de cuisson.

Pendant la cuisson, vous devrez être raisonnable : n’ouvrez pas le four ! Sinon, votre gâteau va redescendre comme un soufflet. Dommage. Au bout de 45 minutes environ, passez délicatement une lame de couteau dans la pâte. S’il ressort intact, c’est qu’il est cuit. Laissez reposer une dizaine de minutes et dé-gus-ter !

Dégustation du cake au cédrat

Le cake au cédrat peut se manger sec ou accompagné un petit coulis d’orange. Le coulis renforcera à merveille le côté acidulé du cédrat. Et côté déco, ça sera très joli.

Vous avez d’autres idées pour cuisinez le cédrat ? Laissez-nous vos précieuses recettes en commentaires.

Photo Yoshimov

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Web TV Mareterraniu | Mezzo Voce | Concerts privés et intimistes

Web TV Mareterraniu | Mezzo Voce | Concerts privés et intimistes
L'alba a Mezzo Voce. Vidéos sur:​eo/xjvdob_mezzo-voce-l-alba-st​a-mane_music​=XkCFi1xPy7U
Mezzo Voce | Concerts privés et intimistes

“The Detourist 100” 2.0: The blog on the future of travel » The Detourist 100 Blog

“The Detourist 100” 2.0: The blog on the future of travel » The Detourist 100 Blog

“The Detourist 100” 2.0: The blog on the future of travel
Detourist , July 13 2011, 09:59, 0 comments
Kuoni has reworked and further developed, its interactive platform for discussion on the topic of travel. The updated website is now up and running. The new centrepiece of the site is a blog inviting the public to engage in a broad-based discussion on the future of tourism. On top of that, an improved structure and additional elements such as a competition make the website even more attractive....../....

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Coup de filet contre les hackers aux États-Unis et en Europe

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Sweden x Assange: Julian Assange in Court. London, 12&13 July, 2011 on Vimeo

Sweden x Assange: Julian Assange in Court. London, 12&13 July, 2011 on Vimeo


Argument 1: JA Alleged conduct by two women do not reflect alleged conduct in arrest warrant
• The original police complaint describes different conduct than the alleged conduct in arrest warrant.
In the case of Assange v. Sweden the police report and the European Arrest warrant just don’t match and the allegations in the European Arrest Warrant are different and more serious than those alleged by the Swedish women. That is enough to invalidate the arrest warrant.
Argument 2: Julian has not been even charged
In the case of Assange v. Sweden the European Arrest Warrant was issued by a Swedish prosecutor for other legal purposes: interrogation. He has not been accused of any crime and there are not yet charges against him in Sweden.
JULIAN ASSANGE CASE IS HIGHLY UNUSUAL AN DISPROPORTIONATED because the prosecutor ignored Mutual Legal Assistance mechanisms to interrogate him in the UK, the prosecutor also ignored electronic mechanisms to interrogate him by using videoconference or other digital tools available and accepted as valid by Swedish courts. Instead, his freedom of movement and other related freedoms have been restricted for more than 200 days, staying almost 2 weeks in solitary confinement last December and almost seven months under house arrest with a strict curfew, electronic tagging and the duty to sign a book every day in a police station.

Argument 3: European Arrest Warrant was vague, rights restricted
• Prosecutor issued order saying that offences occurred on August 18 or on any of the days before or after that day.
In the case of Assange v. Sweden the uncertainty around the dates when the allegations were committed invalidates the arrest warrant.
Argument 4: Extradition arrest warrant was not issued by a judicial authority

• Judicial authority and mutual recognition principle was not respected.
In the case of Assange v. Sweden the person who signed the request for extradition is not a judicial authority, BUT a public prosecutor. A prosecutor is by definition, not a judge, because the figure of a prosecutor is partisan. In contrast, a judicial authority is independent and impartial. The European Arrest Warrant should be issued by a judicial authority exercising recognisably judicial functions in an independent manner. A European Arrest Warrant was issued by a Swedish prosecutor on 26th November, 2010 and was neither evaluated nor ratified by a Judge. Therefore, the EAW is void.

mercredi 20 juillet 2011

Gâteau à la brousse, aux abricots et aux framboises - Cuisine Campagne

Gâteau à la brousse, aux abricots et aux framboises - Cuisine Campagne

The France Morning Post 1: La conjecture de Shakespeare. par Ivano Ghirardini, samedi 5 juin 2010, à 12:27

The France Morning Post 1: La conjecture de Shakespeare. par Ivano Ghirardini, samedi 5 juin 2010, à 12:27

bonne journée !

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article à propos de la corse et des corses ! c nul !

Le Bonheur d’être Français
Le Figaro - Samedi 9 Juillet 2011
La Corse, L’île où le pardon n’existe pas …
SÉRIE (5/36)

Les Corses n'acceptent pas l'inéluctable, la banalisation moderne.
Les gens parlent bas, ils ont l'air sur la défensive. Mais quand ils vous accueillent, leur générosité est sans limite.
Par François Hauter

De la Corse, je ne sais rien. Jamais été là-bas. J'ai un a priori péjoratif: la Corse est un drame de la centralisation. Tous les gens intelligents de l'île sont « montés» à Marseille, Paris, ou partis à l'étranger. Ceux qui n'en ont pas eu le courage ou les capacités intellectuelles de le faire sont restés sur place. Ils sont fonctionnaires ou font chanter les autres pour gagner leur vie (1).
Un souvenir aussi. Lorsque j'ai été engagé au Figaro en 1979, on m'a demandé d'écrire un premier article sur un chanteur qui se lançait dans les affaires. Il s'appelait Bernard Tapie. Il faisait sourire Paris. J'ai été ironique dans mon article, très court et pourtant, Tapie a attaqué le journal. Premier article, et un procès: ça la fichait mal. Je monte au cinquième étage. C'est toujours dans des bureaux miteux que nichent les éminences grises. J'y trouve Xavier Marchetti, l'ancien attaché de presse de Georges Pompidou, un Corse délicieux, pétillant - il avait toujours un pistolet extraplat sous son ­smoking. Xavier me voit embarrassé par ce procès, il me dit: «Petit, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais régler ça! » Il décroche son téléphone, il appelle un sénateur, un certain Charles Pasqua. Il épelle mon" nom trois fois (Hauter, ce n'est pas un nom corse).
Il raccroche. «Bon, petit, c'est réglé », dit-il. Je ressors du bureau de Marchetti assez perplexe, pas rassuré. Deux semaines plus tard, je suis convoqué pour la première fois dans le bureau du patron de la rédaction, Max Clos. Il me dit: «Hauter, c'est un nom alsacien, ça, non? Bon, alors pouvez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi j'ai là, sur mon bureau, deux cents lettres provenant de deux villages corses, expliquant que vous êtes un type formidable ? »
Je ne sais plus comment je m'en suis sorti devant Max. Mais dans l'avion qui m'emmène aujourd'hui de Marseille à Ajaccio - la compagnie de transport maritime est en grève -, je suis déjà sur l'île de l'ami Marchetti. Un gars hurle dans son téléphone, il est colère contre sa femme: « C'est l 'anniversaire du petit? Tu n'aurais pas pu me le rappeler? » Les hommes se connaissent tous, ils s'embrassent avec des airs graves. Ils portent des jeans, des vestes sombres, ils s'avancent avec une démarche modeste, un peu fuyante. Leur regard est bas. Des taiseux :
- «Ca va?»
- « Et toi? »
Les femmes restent assises, elles font un petit signe de tête de-ci de-là. Elles sont maigres et brunes, souvent très belles. Elles ont l'air maussade, renfrognées. On ne leur donne pas d'âge. Des ombres, dans leurs robes noires. Si vous en regardez une, elle vous fixe. Un regard sombre, chargé de défiance. Les yeux corses sont ténébreux et provocants. Des lueurs revêches, de l'obsession confinant à l'entêtement. Un orgueil inébranlable. On le comprend aussitôt: les femmes sur cette île commandent, les hommes paradent. Ils ne lisent qu'un seul journal, Corse-Matin. L'hôtesse dit «Attachez votre ceinture! » en langue corse. C'est rocailleux. Passé l'aéroport Napoléon-Bonaparte, dans les rues d'Ajaccio, les enseignes donnent le ton: Da Corsica Produits Corses, Les Pierres de Corse, Villages Corses, Miel, Huile, Casa Napoléon Épicerie Fine, Corse Tour ... À côté du restaurant Da Mam­ma, un chinois baptisé Shangri La a fait faillite. À la devanture de la Maison de la Presse, j'ai le choix entre Napoléon. Sa vie, ses batailles, son empire; Napoléon et les femmes; Napoléon mon aïeul, cet inconnu; et Napoléon et l'empire de la mode.
Davantage encore que sur le continent, les cafés sont bondés à n'importe quelle heure du jour et de la soirée: Tous les rendez-vous sont fixés en terrasse. Les gens vous épient, ils parlent bas, ils ont l'air sur la défensive. C'est vrai, ils ne sont que 300000 sur l'île. Et 55 000 dans cette plus grande ville du coin. Un nouveau, ça se remarque. Ils vous disent: «On est comme les autres, mais différemment. » Marion, une journaliste, pointe son doigt, sur mon carnet, elle me fait les yeux noirs: "Ecris! La Corse est une région attachante! On n'est pas des pestiférés!" Quelle paranoïa! Je change de terrasse de café. Le proche collaborateur du préfet, avec qui j'ai rendez-vous interrompt soudain notre conversation: «Excusez-moi, je dois voir ce gendarme là-bas, il a des choses à dire, c'est secret, hein! Allez excusez-moi! » Je me retiens pour ne pas éclater de rire. Tous sont contaminés par l'ambiance locale.
Le pays de l'ours, rude et cruel
La Corse me fait penser à la Mongolie. Des familles claniques qui, brutalement, voient leur univers traditionnel basculer dans la modernité. La glissade est vertigineuse. Alors, c'est humain: ils s'accrochent romantiquement à une tradition déjà morte. Une île, me dis-je, c'est renfermé, on peut nier la réalité du monde plus longtemps qu'ailleurs. À Ajaccio, la Corse est embourgeoisée. Elle vit paisiblement du tourisme moderne. Les villes des côtes sont confortables. À Bastia, le premier fast-food vient d'ouvrir. Les Corses ont fait la queue trois mois durant pour découvrir les hamburgers. Mais les gens se donnent un air grave, ils se prennent au sérieux. Cela pourtant ressemble à un conformisme. Ne font-ils pas semblant d'être rattachés à un monde rural qui ne rassemble plus que 2 % des habitants? Les villages de montagne à moitié en ruine représentent-ils encore leur monde réel? Le berger incarne- t - il toujours les valeurs corses et le bandit corse symbolise-t-il le défi à la à loi? Cela a l'air d'un film enfantin et touchant. Respectables, aussi. Les Corses n'acceptent pas l'inéluctable, la banalisation moderne. Voilà ce que je me dis avant d'aller en montagne, de monter vers Corte, « U paese di l'orsu», le pays de l'ours.
On y arrive par une route tortueuse qui vous envoie dans un autre univers. Pays cruel. Col hanté.
Pays noir d'arbustes. Pays pauvre, pays rude, terres arides où alternent le givre et la sécheresse.
C'est encaissé, raviné, sinistre. Pays impitoyable où le chat sauvage déchiquette l'agnelle, où le rapace s'abat sur le lièvre, où le pied dérape sur les pierres, où le voisin tue le frère, où l'indulgence n'existe pas, où jamais la transgression n'est pardonnée, où la parole perpétue le mensonge. Il faut s'arrêter en route et, dans le crachin, marcher quelques heures sur cette terre si dure pour commencer à la comprendre. Pas d'étoiles dans le ciel. On en a le cœur retourné. Ce pays-là est torturé, sans pitié.
J'y viens à la sortie de l'hiver, interminable. Les phares percent difficilement la brume. Voici le village minuscule, fiché sur la pente raide de la montagne. Voici la maison où l'on m'attend pour diner. J'apporte des fleurs. On ne sait qu'en faire. On les dépose sur une chaise. « Ici, le salon, c'était l'étable, avant.», m'explique-t-on. Au mur, un râtelier chargé d'une demi-douzaine de fusils de chasse, et un arc pour tuer silencieusement le sanglier. La vieille dame qui me reçoit en compagnie de son fils, raconte la guerre, tous ces morts, la descente au fond des ravins pour chercher les châtaignes, la remontée. «L'arbre à pain nous a sauvés », confie-t-elle. Des chants disent la tristesse et la nostalgie du temps passé. Le porcelet a cuit un jour. entier dans la cheminée. Du miel. Quand les Corses vous accueillent, leur générosité est sans limite ..
Une violence d'un autre âge
Bastia le lendemain. La ville se presse au tribunal. Pas pour l'un de ces assassinats à la chevrotine, sous les yeux de l'épouse ou à la terrasse d'un café, ces règlements de compte ordinaires qui font entre vingt et trente morts par an et agitent le landerneau corso-judiciaire (2). Non, aujourd'hui, c'est la sauvagerie de la société corse qui monte à la surface. Cinq accusés dans le box, en appel, pour les peines de dix à trente ans de prison qu'ils ont déjà commencé à purger. En janvier 2005, ils ont tué le patron du bar L'Oasis pour tenter de faire disparaitre une dette de jeu. La victime, Jojo, Joseph Vincensini, a été rouée de coups. Le corps a été abandonné aux cochons à Sainte- Lucie de Mercurio, un village proche. Comme chacun sait, les porcs ne mangent pas les cheveux et les dents des cadavres:
Jojo a donc été décapité avec une hache, et sa tête jetée dans un puits désaffecté. Finalement, les cochons n'avaient pas faim, le corps a été récupéré dans la porcherie par les assassins, puis abandonné dans le coffre d'une vieille Peugeot (3). Verdict de prison un peu moins lourd pour les cinq minables.
Sur le cours Paoli, à deux pas du tribunal, les cafés se suivent et se ressemblent, on y commente le procès: chacun connaissait la victime et les assassins. Les «fratelli», les nationalistes, paradent dans leurs battle-dress ridicules, au volant de leurs vieux 4 x 4. lis incarnent cette violence d'ml autre âge qui poisse la Corse et qui, parfois, comme à Corte, tourne à la sauvagerie. Leur tribu montagnarde s'est toujours battue contre les gens de l'extérieur. Les voilà désormais encerclés par l'autre Corse, celle des plaines et des villes. Ce n'est pas un mal. « Les Corses ont une lourde responsabilité dans le destin médiocre qui est le leur », concède le Dr Edmond Simeoni, dont la famille a été la cible de soixante-quatre attentats. Le vieux nationaliste ajoute, à une terrasse de café de Bastia: « La Corse a changé, elle va basculer. Les Corses ne le savent pas. Paris le sait. » Oui, Corte, avec son université corse médiocre, est un réduit, la réserve naturelle d'une espèce française primitive, en voie d'extinction. Je m'envole pour Paris: cap sur une autre tribu, aux rites bien singuliers elle aussi. Celle que les Français monument « les élites ».

(1) IL y a eu quinze mille attentats en Corse ces trente dernières années.
(2) Magazine Corsica, mars 2011.
(3) Cette sinistre histoire est racontée en détail dans le magazine XXI du dernier trimestre 2010, SOIIS le titre « Un poker corse».